Factory Design Utilities Essentials Training
Factory Design Utilities Essentials Course Overview
Course Description
This course will provide users with the understanding of the underlying principles of factory layout design. It includes discussion on reasons for creation of shop drawing that is consists of architectural elements and manufacturing assets. You will learn to create 2D and 3D factory layouts, create factory assets, analyze facility layouts, perform clash detection and create a construction phase simulation.
Course Duration
3 Days.
To impart essential skills and thorough understanding of the principle factory layout design, validation, and documentation processes.
What Will You Learn?
- General concepts and workflow to an efficient factory layout design.
- Create, place, and connect factory assets in a factory layout.
- Sync AutoCAD with Autodesk Inventor.
Who Should Attend?
Existing user of AutoCAD.
Course Outline
Getting Started
- Understand the concept and workflow
Creating Project File
- Learn about project
- Create new project
- Create new library
- Change active project
Creating & Modifying Inventor Part & Assembly for Factory Assets
- Basic sketching techniques
- Basic part modelling techniques
- Detailed part modelling techniques
- Basic assembly modelling techniques
- Basic parameter
Converting Inventor Part & Assembly to Intelligent Assets
- Create asset landing surface
- Create asset connector points
- Define key parameters
Publishing & Authoring Inventor Assets to a Library
- Publish part as asset to a library
- Publish assembly as asset to a library
- Add and change asset properties
Constructing Factory Layout in Inventor
- Manage floor and grid settings
- Create solid floor
- Resize and reposition floors
- Enable and disable snap types
Expedite Design with a Library of Assets
- Place factory assets
- Insert a model
- Align components
- Connect component
- Download new assets
Chain Assets Together
- Manually create asset path
Creating & Modifying AutoCAD 3D Model for Factory Assets
- Create and edit 3D model in AutoCAD
Converting AutoCAD 3D Model to Intelligent Assets
- Create asset landing surface
- Create asset connector points
- Define key parameters
Publishing AutoCAD Assets to a Library
- Publish block as asset to a library
- Add and change asset properties
Set up Factory Asset Option
- Modify factory annotation
- Set asset library to associated project file
Creating Factory Layout in AutoCAD
- Create a layout grid
- Create points
- Create polyline
Expediting Design with a Library of Assets
- Place factory assets
- Insert a model
Annotating Assets
- Create and edit asset tag
- Control visibility of asset tag
- Search for asset tag
Chaining Assets Together
- Manually create asset path
- Use polyline as asset path
Annotating Assets
- Create and edit asset tag
- Control visibility of asset tag
- Search for asset tag
Sync AutoCAD with Autodesk Inventor
- Create and update link with Inventor
- Break link with Inventor
Creating Material Flow
- Create station, product, and routing
- Import and export data
Analyzing Factory Layouts
- Analyze transportation
- Analyze machine utilization and power consumption
- Analyze report