Navisworks Essential Training
Essentials Course Overview
Course Description
This course will introduce you the basic understanding of the tools and functions of Autodesk Navisworks. You will also learn how to use the tools for simulating with timeliner, animator, scripter and presenter. Course includes clash detection module and teach us on how to resolve clash.
Course Duration
3 Days.
Introduce the Autodesk Navisworks UI, tools of simulation and manage functionality.
What Will You Learn?
- Using fundamental features and file formats of Autodesk Navisworks.
- Create walkthrough animations.
- Create construction simulations of a project.
- Use rendering tools to produce photorealistic output.
- Use animator and scripter to create interactive animations.
- Perform interference detection tests
Who Should Attend?
New user of Autodesk Navisworks.
Course Outline
Getting Started
- Manage Workspace
- Naviworks file formats
- Change camera options
- Change render style options
Selecting & Manipulating Object in the Scene
- Manage selection sets
- Control visibility of objects
- View objects properties
- Control object dropouts
Manage Viewpoints
- Global viewpoint default setting
- Create viewpoints
- Add realism to navigation
- Manage viewpoint
Creating Walkthrough Animations
- Recording the walk
- Creating viewpoint animation
- Playing the animations
- Combining multiple animations
- Exporting animations
Measuring Object
- Measure point-to-point or multiple points
- Measure angle, area and accumulated distance
- Measure point line
- Clear measurement
- Change display of measurement
Sectioning the Design
- Use a single or multiple section plane
- Use a linked section place
- Use a section box
Reviewing the Design
- Create redline markup
- Add comments to saved viewpoint
- Find, edit and renumber comments
- Add, search and renumber tags
Link File & URLs to Object in Scene
- Link file and URLs to object in scene
- Add, edit and follow links to the objects in the scene
- Turn on the visibility of the links in the scene
- Control global display of links
Work with Rendering Tools
- Assign materials
- Add materials to favorite library
- Change materials mapping type and option
- Add lights to scene
- Render with ray trace
- Save rendered images
Working with Animator Scenes
- Animate object transformation
- Control transparency of objects
- Change color of objects
- Add blank camera animation
- Add saved viewpoint animation
- Add saved section plane animation
Working with Script Modules
- Create script, event and action area
- Enable scripts
- Add interactivity to model
Creating Construction Simulation
- Use timeliner module
- Automatic add tasks
- Create scheduling tasks
- Customize simulation overlay text
- Link viewport animation to simulation
Manage Quantification Module
- Types of quantity takeoffs
- Item and resource catalogue
- Takeoff property mapping
- GUID property
Work with Clash Detection
- Perform hard clash test
- Interrogate clash result
- Write clash report
- Resolve clash