Switching from Maintenance Plan to Subscription Plan | Autodesk

Moving From Maintenance Plan To Subscription Plan
- 1982 - Perpetual licences was launched.
- 1997 - Maintenance plans was added in, which included updates to the latest software versions, home use rights and other benefits.
- 2013 - Launch of first subscription model, multi-user subscriptions.
- 2016 - Sale of all perpetual licenses ended.
- 2017 - Sale of Maintenance plans was stopped.
- 2020 - Sales and renewals for all plans based on serial numbers was stopped. This includes perpetual software with maintenance plans and multi-user subscriptions, as transitioning to Named User Subscription began.
Switching from Maintenance to Subscription
How will maintenance plan customers benefit from switching to subscription?
Autodesk will continue to invest heavily in our subscription offerings to provide our
customers with greater value through the following benefits.
- Greater access – Broad access to the latest innovations in tools, technologies and services to fit your needs – now and in the future.
- Flexible control – Ability to better manage users and costs by providing access to the right products and updates when your team needs them.
- Valuable insights – Easy-to-use reporting tools to evaluate and analyze product usage, spending, productivity, and future needs.
1) What are my options when my current maintenance plan comes up for renewal?
- When your maintenance plan comes up for renewal, you will have 3 options:
• Switch an eligible individual product on maintenance to a subscription of the same product or an eligible alternative
• Switch an eligible individual product or suite on maintenance to an industry collection subscription
• Renew your maintenance plan for one year
2) Will these changes affect all Autodesk customers?
- These changes will affect customers with eligible Autodesk products on maintenance plans but will not affect subscriptions to Autodesk products.
3) Will I be able to continue renewing my maintenance plan?
- Yes, if you choose to stay on maintenance, you will be able to continue to renew your maintenance plan/s on an annual basis.
4) Are the maintenance plan changes global?
- Yes, the changes are global
Check the Move To Subscription FAQ guide for further queries.
Jun 02,2023